What is this?

A bit of backstory about myself. I travel for work for extended periods of time. Sometimes for weeks, sometimes for months. Regardless, I have a lot of free time sitting in hotels. In the past, I spend this time researching or working on projects for the next time I’m back home. It may be broad research, compiling a rough Bill of Materials or starting a draft design. As I said, I may have weeks to spend getting ready for a project, then I get home and work on it feverishly until it’s time to hit the road again. What usually happens at this point is that I completely lose touch with that project. My documentation of projects has been non-existent in the past and even when I am able to complete a particular project, I have no supporting material to accompany it. My future self has a bone to pick with my past self about this.

So.. what is this?

This is intended to be a repository of all notable projects I have worked on. A place where my future self can return to and pick up where I left off at on any single project. For completed projects, it will serve as a place to store various files and information, safe from my destructive need to purge my computer of files that aren’t currently relevant to me.

Have you heard of Thingiverse?

Yep. Not a huge fan. I’ve uploaded items in the past to share and they sometimes seem to exist in a weird void where they are accessible via link or search, but they don’t appear in my dashboard where I can continue to update and modify them. This site is all mine, I control most aspects of it and have my own cloud and local backups.

I’m a huge fan of open source projects, but my first priority is to document them thoroughly, which I feel like I can do a better job of here. If more than 5 people ever stumble across this and I run into a bandwidth issue, maybe I’ll revisit the idea.

You’re using GitHub wrong.

There’s a good chance. I completely understand it isn’t intended to be a just a file hosting service, but like the rest of this, I have been wanting to learn the basics of GitHub and this seemed like as good of a time as any to jump in.